Monday, August 15, 2011

Jack is 9 months old!

Oh, my baby Jack.  BEST BABY ON THE PLANET!  But I can't believe he's already 9 months old! He has been a busy guy lately too...crawling and climbing and clapping - Oh my!  And he's waving and saying "ma-ma" too!  Here is my screen shot of Jack (can you tell I'm screen shot obsessed?!) and the last pics I have to share courtesy of Liz Wampler.  

and a few more pics of my love...

Loook at that face!

Jacks room


The Wampler Family said...

LOVE it! I love those pics of you and Jack. Can't believe he's crawling and clapping since I was there! Love the pics of his room too- so cute! Great post :)

The Barron Family said...

Oh, my goodness! His nursery is gorgeous. I LOVE it. It looks like it came out of a magazine. Nice job!!