After 2 vacations, Mel and Shawn's wedding, and Jack's upcoming 1st birthday party, I didn't give much thought to Halloween this year. When we bought the girls their princess dresses in Disneyland, part of the deal was that they had to wear them for Halloween. It was nice to have it already taken care of, put them in their dresses, a wig for Mady, tiara for Sophie, a little blush and glitter, and voila` - Rapunzel and Cinderella. I was already planning a pirate party for Jack's 1st birthday, so we decided it would only be fitting for him to be Captain Jack Sparrow. No time for much creativity though, ordered a cheap-o costume and we were ready to go. My mother-in-law always hosts our family's Halloween, we trick-or-treat, pass out candy, eat navajo tacos, and let the kids get sugared up on all sorts of sweets. (My kids are funny, they love their candy that night, but basically forget about it the next day...unfortunately I do not:/).

That morning was Mady's school Halloween party. I volunteered to help, and was so excited for her party. Her teacher Ms. Hovanec is so great, the kids are all so sweet, it was really fun getting to spend time with Mady at school. Unfortunately, I didn't get a really good pic, so this will have to do.
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