I feel like we've been super busy lately, with school and activities starting to wrap up, and trying to do fun stuff to enjoy the beautiful weather that we've been having. We must have some down time at home though, because I feel like I am tidying up all day long! So, just thought I'd post a few pics of what's been goin' on!
I have a new niece! Lucy Jayne Croxford was born on April 24th. She is so sweet and beautiful just like her big sister Skye!
York took a business trip to Vancouver last weekend so it was just me and the kiddos for about 4 days. We had a movie night in my bed one night and I let the girls sleep with me that night. The other night's I let them "practice" sharing a room (which they will do for real once school's out) and I was actually surprised how well they did together.
This is how I found them 30 minutes after turning the lights out. Pretty impressive AND pretty darn cute! |
Watching "The Muppet's Movie" in mama's bed. |
The girls', passed out, taking up my whole bed. |
Mady has her last soccer game of the season this upcoming weekend, but the coach and his daughter have to miss it so they took a team picture and passed out medals last weekend. I'm excited to brag that Mady scored her first goal at last weeks game! Her face was priceless afterwards and so was mine, I'm sure!
Like I said we've been having gorgeous weather so we try and take advantage!
Playing on our play set and a trip to the Zoo. |
Mady and her friend Bryce breaking out the pool for the first time this year. |
Cute Sophie. She had just finished running through the sprinkler and said "Mom look, I'm soapin' wet!" |
But, when we are hanging out at home, inside, these are the kind of things we do for fun...
They love to play in these new swim towels I found at Bed Bath and Beyond. Oh, and pull each other around in diaper boxes. |
My little Picasso. All those masterpieces before 9am!
The girls both had their well care check ups this week with Dr. Grandpa. Sophie was cracking me up telling everyone she had to go to the doctor because she had a baby in her tummy and it was really ouchy:). Mady had to get her 5 year old shots. She did great, there were minimal tears, and afterwards, a trip to Yogotogo made everything better.
Oh Jack...
This boy cracks me up. His little personality is really starting to develop and he is turning out to be quite the ham. I've tried to capture my favorite things about him lately on camera the past few days so here they are...
If you ask him "where is" something, he automatically does this with his hands. |
He is such a good sleeper lately. I appreciate it so much, only because he was such a bad sleeper before. |
He is a mama's boy. |
This kid loves pasta. I don't know why I think it's so funny but I do. |
Whenever he hears something that makes an impression (i.e. firetruck, birds, elmo's voice:) or if you say "listen" he puts his hand up by his ear. |
This one is kind of a 2-fer. He LOVES playing with trains and car lately, zooming them around the house. I think it's so cute. He also likes to look at his reflection wherever he can find it...dryer, oven, shower door, and of course the mirror. |
I just got a new IPhone. The one where you can flip the camera and see yourself...he's obsessed. |
And this face. Anytime he hears something - be it loud, or something familiar that he likes (i.e. daddy coming home) he makes this surprised/happy face that just kills me.
He also loves hitching a ride with sister in the Barbie jeep, swinging on the big kid swings, and hanging out in my car. He loves to hop around to all the different car seat and try them out or buckle them all. He also likes sitting in the front seat pushing all the buttons. He's made me be better about keeping my car clean, I have to say. Usually on Fridays when we get home from picking Mady up from school, the girls ride bikes in the driveway and I clean/vacuum my car while Jack entertains himself in it:)
As for me...I've been in hyper-nesting state for a little while now. It's my favorite. The whole house gets an overhaul room by room and things feel fresh and clean and organized. What will I do when I'm no longer getting pregnant every year? Become a hoarder? I suppose then its just called spring cleaning, but hopefully I have the same intense desire to do it! |