Saturday, October 27, 2012

Random update..

Oh man.  We've been busy.  I so wish I could keep to real time on here but I just can't.  I take too many gosh darn pictures then get overwhelmed.  So, here goes a random update of things going on with us before our big family trip...which is another story of overwhelmness (I'm pretty sure thats not even a word).

Jack got his first haircut, and although he doesn't really look it, he had fun time...especially getting that sucker at the end.

And here's my handsome little fella all spiked up..

For the first time ever York and Jack went to St. George by themselves leaving us girls and Jonah behind.  They had a fun time getting the house ready for our new co-owners, The Bitner's.  And us girls (and Jonah) had a fun weekend too...we went Frightmares at Lagoon with Britney, Aiden, and Lola, went shopping, went to Mady's soccer game, and to Oktoberfest at St. Olaf's.  I have to say, it was pretty smooth sailin' without our almost 2 year old in tow, but I sure did miss the little guy like crazy!

Here's Jack about to leave with York.  My "mommy-worry" got the best of me and I was SO nervous about the 2 of them driving all the way to St. George without us.  But, they did great and made it home safe and sound:)

Our first stop on our 'girls + Jonah weekend' was to Orange Leaf...

And then to the toy store...
This picture cracks me up..they are so different..Sophie picked her one thing out right from the start, and Mady took FOREVER to decide..I know she gets her indecisiveness from me though..

Fun night at Frightmares...

And a fun day at Oktoberfest at Mady's school..

Mady and her BFF Brelyn

Me and my girls!

And of course, sweet Jonah!

Reunited...not a better feeling than this!

And just a few pics from around the house...Sophie is really in to coloring lately, and yes, I know these are all basically the same pictures, but I love them all...her concentration and color style make me smile!

And pictures of Mady working on her homework...

Mom, what are you doing?!

And just to clarify...we wear a lot of red in this house, as I married a guy who went to the Universtiy of Utah, and we are big fans...BUT I will always be a Tiger at heart!  A pic of the kiddos in their Mizzou gear...


Katie said...

LOVE all of your pictures! YOur babes are all so beautiful! Miss you tons! I will be off all week around CHristmas. WE have to hang out alot!!!
PS-WHat is Sophie coloring on? It looked like so sort of tray?? Olivia is so into art these days!!

The Barron Family said...

Yes, what is the tray she is coloring on??!! ;-)

Annie Yates said...

Hey guys! It's called a stokke tray...they're kind of expensive but the girls each have one and they are like their placemats...they do everything on them, eat, color, play-do, paint etc...I love them!