Mady started dance this past year back in September. She had fun, made some new friends, and I really enjoyed getting to know all of the other moms. Class was only 45 minutes long, so every Wednesday I would wake all 3 kiddos up from naps and we'd go to watch Sissy's dance class. Only, we never REALLY got to watch her. The kids played, the moms talked, and eventually it was something I looked forward to every week (besides the waking up the kids part!)
Mady would sometimes complain that she didn't want to go to class, but she was REALLY looking forward to her recital. I'm not sure where/when she got this idea in her head, but anytime I mentioned the recital she would ask, "are people really going to throw flowers at us on stage?". Well, that didn't happen, but we did bring flowers for her afterwards and she was so excited. Utah Grandma, Britney, Aiden and Lola all came to watch her, which made her night. It will be nice to have a break for the summer, but I'm really hoping she wants to do it again next fall!

And here is Mady in action...
She is adorable! I love how much personality she has in the pictures.
Is it strange that I want to put my son in a hip hop dance class? I think he would love it, Courtney and I have been talking about doing it with our boys.
You have the cutest kids ever! Looks like everyone had a great time!
Oh my goodness! She is so cute!! I agree with Beth, bursting with personality!!
Her outfit is so darling! and love all her poses and expressions in the pictures, so fun.
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