Sunday, September 9, 2012

Jonah 2 months old...

I can't believe this baby is already 2 months old!  Time seriously needs to stop.  Like now.  I LOVE this little guy SO much, and saying that Jonah is the best baby ever is an understatement.  He never makes a peep, sleeps all the time, goes everywhere with me and is just as content as can be.  Thank you, God.  Seriously, they say He doesn't give you more than you can handle and clearly I couldn't handle a needy baby.  I could hold him all day long, his sweet face and his little coos just make my heart melt.

I am soooo thankful that he's a paci baby after my last two weren't.  He takes a bottle fine, so I just need to make sure I keep up with that.  He loves to be outside, in his stroller, or in a front pack.  I really don't want him to get any bigger.  All of my babies chub out really quickly but for some reason I was in denial that Jonah would.  I cried the day his 0-3 onesies were a little too tight and was reality set in when he weighed 11 lbs. 14 oz. at his 2 month check-up.  I think he may be a serious one like Mady, his face is so sweet but he rarely smiles...nothing like how Sophie and Jack did.

I have honestly enjoyed every single moment of this baby - changing his diaper, feeding him, late night snuggles - I love every moment that I HAVE to devote to him, because they are way less than what I WANT to.  I hope being the 4th child he always feels just as important as the first....or second or third. 

Here are some pictures of sweet Jonah all taken in the past week! 

This is Jack's new "CHEESE"

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